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2 Kommentare
  • A. Iehsenhain
    22. März, 2024

    Da kann ich Thomas Sowell nur Recht geben – jetzt gerade schöpfe ich aus einer dieser wertvollen Informationsquellen. Möge sie niemals versiegen!

  • Werner Bläser
    22. März, 2024

    “The love of truth is natural to man, and strong in every well-disposed mind. But it may be overborn by party-zeal, by vanity, by the desire of victory, or even by laziness.
    As there are persons in the world of so mean and abject a spirit, that they rather chuse to owe their subsistence to the charity of others, than by industry to acquire some property of their own; so there are many more who may be called mere beggars with regard to their opinions. Through laziness and indifference about truth, they leave to others the drudgery of digging for this commodity ; they can have enough at second hand to serve their occasions. Their concern is not to know what is true, but what is said and thought on such subjects; and their understanding, like their cloaths is cut according to the fashion.”
    (Thomas Reid, Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, Dublin 1785, S. 354).

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